A bad fuel pump is not something you should take lightly because it plays a role in helping the engine get enough fuel and at the right pressure along with transferring any potential fumes in the tank. How long can you continue driving with a bad pump? In the event of a weak or about to fail fuel pump, you can actually get a few days to weeks of driving but over time rough idling, stalling and hard starting will soon morph into a much severer vehicle performance problem.
A fuel pump typically is good for between 100,000 and 150,000 miles, but when it begins to fail the engine could receive uneven amounts of petrol leading to a loss in power and acceleration. When the fuel pressure falls too low–usually under 35 psi for gasoline engines—the engine may be running lean, which can cause misfires or even shut down the engine completely. In fact, a June 2021 AAA report states fuel system mishaps cause up to 15% of all roadside recoveries—fuel pump problems head the list here as well.
Driving with a cruddy fuel pump can also cause the pump to heat up and better explode. Extended use may lead to the themal failure of a fuel pump, resulting in overheating and an unexpected stall. In that case, the pump might regain its cool and let the vehicle restart after a lot of the cycles but not always. In actual fact if the pump dies completely you can forget about starting your vehicle at all.
Ignoring a small problem can end up being a big expensive repair one day, as Elon Musk so eloquently put it, “Early detection of problems is paramount to avoiding catastrophic system failures. This is especially the case with fuel pumps. Problems That Car With a Failing Fuel Pump Can Cause to Other Systems of Car Driving on a failing pump can cause the fuel injectors and pressure regulator to work under stress, which in turn may lead to more expensive repairs.
If you begin to notice signs of a failing fuel pump in your Volvo, it is better that you replace it on time so as to escape frustrating circumstances of a car breakdown due to total damage. Replacement costs generally run you $200–$500, depending on the vehicle, while continuing to drive with a bad pump could cause engine damage that may cost thousands of dollars to fix.
We carry reliable replacements if you need to change your fuel pump, which are available at Fuel Pump so you can get more out of your replacement while also getting reliable and consistent fuel delivery ensuring that your car performs as it should.